liebster award 2

I am beyond ecstatic!!

My brand new, little blog won a Liebster Award!!

I was nominated by a fabulous young lady who has a fabulous name: Meghan! While her spelling is a little different than mine she is a truly wonderful lady and has a pretty awesome blog! If you are not already follow MaybeMeghan then you need to get on that!!

For those of you who don’t know, the Liebster Award is an award that is passed from blogger to blogger to help new bloggers get the word out about their site and get more involved in the blogging community as a whole. Each nominee posts a blog answering 11 questions (asked by the blogger who nominated them).  Afterwards, the nominee (that’s me!) gets to nominate 11 awesome bloggers and ask 11 questions for them to answer. I am blown away that my blog of only 16 days was nominated but it just makes me even more excited to be a part of a truly fabulous blogger community.

Here are my answers to the questions that Meghan asked:

1. Why did you start your blog?

Starting a blog was something that I have always dreamed of doing. I would always tell myself, “Maybe Later,” or “When I have time.” The thing that I realized was that if I don’t make the time to start a blog then I will never have time. I had been blogging on a daily basis through Instagram so I told myself over this past Christmas break (I am a teacher so I get two weeks off!) I was going to make it happen! And I did! So far, I love blogging. It is a way for me to share my thoughts, share my ideas and connect with a truly fabulous group of people.

2. How did you choose your blogs name?

As a recently newlywed, I wanted a name that showed that I was proud of being a Fowler. I also wanted a name that gave me the freedom to blog about what I wanted. I did not want a name that limited my to only style, only DIY only makeup… you get the point. The name Being Mrs. Fowler came to one day and I knew that it was perfect. It was a name that was a reflection of my life and who I am and I knew that it would be a perfect fit for all that I hoped to accomplish.

3. What is one thing that you cannot live without?

I am going to skip the obvious choices of my husband. my family and friends and instead pick something that is not expected. I would have to say that the one thing I could not live without would be my phone. It connects me to the world and to all the all the people I love. I feel completely lost when I do not have it with me and have turned around, on more than one occasion, to get it when I have left it at home. I know that we have become a techie world and that is really sad, but I a seriously don’t know what I would do without that little piece of technology!!

4. What is your favorite book and why?

I can’t pick just one because I love the entire series but my all time favorite books are the Harry Potter books. Yes, I am a nerd. But the books are so much more than just books to me. I have been married once before and when that marriage fell a part I needed something to turn to so that I could take my mind off of the confusion around me. At that time, J.K. Rowling had just finished the last Harry Potter book so I figured that there was no time like the present to start reading them. I read all 7 of them, cover to cover, and watching the movies in-between in less than two weeks. In a sense, those books saved me from all that I was dealing with. They provided an escape for me and for that, they will always hold a special place inside of my heart.

5. What is your life motto? Why?

For this question I was immediately to a decorative plaque on my wall that says, “Things happen for a reason. Just believe.” I have been through so much in my life, especially with my divorce, and while I was dealing with all of it I had to know that it was for a reason. As a Christian, I know that God will never give me anything that I cannot handle without His support and guidance. It the midst of dealing with things, though, it helps to think about the fact that all of this is happening to prepare me for something better. If I had never been through my divorce, I would have never started dating and eventually marrying my Husband. I know that he is my Soul Mate and finally finding him makes everything else that I had to go through so worth the heartache and stress.

6. What are some of your favorite/ most used apps?

This question is a no-brainer. By far, my most used app is Instagram!! Other than that, the apps that I used the most are apps that I used to modify my pictures for Instagram. Pic Stitch allows me to make collages out of my pictures. This is great for when I am posting my favorite outfits of the month. A Beautiful Mess is an app that allows me to add word and cute phrases to my pictures. I use this a lot when I am doing giveaways or asking questions. The final app that I use the most is PicFx. This app allows me to add really unique filters onto my pictures.

I also love the Followers+ app for Instagram, but beware!! This app is very addicting and at times can even hurt your feelings!!

(Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram —-> beingmrsfowler)

7. If you could have one wish granted, what would you wish for and why?

So I am going to be totally vain here for a minute, but if you can’t have fun with these questions then what is the point. If I could have have one wish it would be that my Pinterest closet would become my real-life closet. By this I mean that everytime that I pinned something to my Pinterest closet I would want it to magically appear in my actual closet. Yes, totally vain, but I am a girl and who wouldn’t want an unlimited supply of clothes??!!

You can also follow me on Pinterest —-> beingmrsfowler

8. Do you have any hidden talents?

My talents are not really hidden but I can sing and play the flute. I have been singing in church since I was 12 and I started playing the flute in the 6th grade. I don’t hardly ever play the flute anymore but sometimes I will pick it and run through my scales. I still do sing in church all the time!

9. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I am also going to be a little vain with this response and say that I would love to meet Taylor Swift. She just seems so down to Earth and I think that we would be really great friends, lol! Apparently I am also a little crazy but you know that you are all Swifties at heart. If you have been living under a rock and have not listened to 1989 then you need to get on that!

10. What is your guilty pleasure?

For me, this would definitely have to be shopping. There have been countless times when I have chosen a new outfit over good shoes. Who cares if you are eating Ramen, as long as you look fabulous while you are eating it! Now that I am married I have had to be a lot more responsible with my spending but I do still by myself something almost every time I go to the store. Good thing the Target Dollar Spot is amazing!!

11. What quality do you most appreciate in people?

By far, I appreciate Honesty most in people. If you can’t be honest with me then why should I believe anything that you say? If you don’t like me, tell me! I will have way more respect for you than if you were just fake to my face. It may hurt my feelings but it will save us both a lot of time and energy in the long run if we just put it all out there from the beginning. All of the hurt and heartache that I have been through has mostly been because of lies. Don’t lie to me or you will lose my trust and potentially even me as a friend.

Now that you know a little bit more about me, it’s time for me to share the love with some other bloggers! I NOMINATE:

Julia of Glitter & Juls

Kayla of My Tulletorial

Amanda of Strawberry Chic

Emily of Sugar + Spice + Everything (mostly) Nice

Emily of The Style Hunter

Christy of Sunny With a Side Of

Lauren of Modern Modesty

Annie of Zevy Joy

Jenna of Fashionista-Teacher

Erin of Over the Moon and Far Away

Mayesky of Cafe y Estilo

I can’t wait to get to know you guys better! Here are my questions for you:

1. What is your Holy Grail product?

2. What can always be found in your handbag?

3. What is your favorite designer and why?

4. Why did you decide to start blogging?

5. What is your absolute favorite food?

6. If you could do anything in the world what would you want to be?

7. What is your quick and easy makeup routine?

8. What is one thing that you have to have everyday?

9. What is your favorite movie and why?

10. If you could visit any place in the world, all expense paid, where would you go and what would you do?

11. What would you do if you won the lottery?

Just a few rules to remember: Once you’ve been nominated, please remember to nominate 11 new bloggers (keep spreading the love!).  Remember that the bloggers must be fairly new at blogging… I think the rule is that they need to have less than 1,000 followers. Answer the 11 questions that you were asked, and post 11 new questions for the bloggers that you nominated to answer!

Thanks for reading! And thanks again to Meghan at Maybe Meghan for the nomination! (Seriously, go check out her blog!)


Mrs. Fowler