#Fashion #Mom Life

Maxing Out My Maxis

This summer has been hot!! Being from South Georgia means that our Summers are no joke!! Being pregnant has meant that I am even hotter than usual and just stepping outside can take my breath away. It is for this […]

#Mom Life

A Baby Fowler Bumpdate

Hello Friends!! I am sorry that I have been so slack this summer!! Growing a human is very exhausting and I have just tried to enjoy my summer and that has involved a lot of sleeping till Noon and wearing […]

#Fashion #Mom Life

Boho Baby Belly

I have been obsessed with the boho look while I have been pregnant!! There is just something about the fit and the fabrics that are just so comfy and super flattering. The loose fabrics, the fun prints… it all make […]

#Mom Life

A Baby Fowler Bumpdate!!

Baby Fowler has been growing like crazy these past few weeks and besides making me exhausted, she is making my little baby belly into a big baby belly!! It has been so exciting lately because I am starting to feel […]